2020 TUFLOW Newsletter

Read about 2020 highlights and get a taste of what is coming in 2021

2020 and Beyond

It’s very rewarding to reflect on yet another amazing year with so many great achievements. The positive feedback flowing in for the 2020 TUFLOW Classic / HPC and FV releases has been very pleasing off the back of the major research and development efforts that went into both. Further to this, broader industry recognition by receiving the Australian Financial Review’s most innovative companies listing and being part of the team who won the first UK Hydrographic Office ADMIRALTY Marine Innovation Programme Challenge has been extremely satisfying...

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TUFLOW Classic / HPC 2020 Release

Several years’ worth of research, development and benchmarking of numerous industry changing features culminated in the 2020 TUFLOW Classic/HPC release. Of those, the most significant developments were:

  • Mesh size insensitive turbulence solution
  • Quadtree mesh refinement
  • Sub-Grid Topography Sampling (SGS)
  • Non-Newtonian flow
  • TUFLOW HPC Advection-Dispersion
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TUFLOW Classic, HPC 2020 Release image

TUFLOW FV 2020 Release

2020 has been the biggest year on record for TUFLOW FV. It saw the unveiling of new GIS integration tools and several new modules; namely GPU acceleration, sediment transport and particle tracking. We established a formal partnership with the Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics team at The University of Western Australia (UWA) to deliver water quality simulation capabilities as part of TUFLOW’s core. It was also the first year where the product line has been taught at a university undergraduate level. The year concluded with the REMBRANT/TUFLOW FV Team winning the first UK Hydrographic Office Innovation challenge...

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GIS Integration

With over 42,000 downloads of the QGIS TUFLOW plugin and a 5-star user rating, it is evident that our GIS tools are highly valued by the TUFLOW Community.

2020 saw continued development of TUFLOW’s GIS Plugins / add-ins for ESRI’s GIS platforms, MapInfo and QGIS. 2020 will be remembered as the year when TUFLOW FV flexible mesh modellers were given the tools necessary to use GIS as a complete 2D and 3D modelling environment, for model development, result viewing and analysis.

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Support Services

Our support services constitutes far more than simply help via support@tuflow.com. An ever increasing library of digital online resources (Wikis, webinars, videos, publications, presentations, insight articles), community discussion forums and user groups, and user manuals are available to all. But most importantly, providing users with high quality, personalised, useful and pragmatic advice is our number one priority.

Learn about our significant user resource additions from 2020 and major items planned for 2021.

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TUFLOW Training

There have been positives to COVID-19, and one of them was our quickly executed pivot to online training, which subsequently translated to us setting a TUFLOW record for the number of events run in a single year.

Moving into 2021 we will be continuing online training and hope to recommence in-person classroom training in the second half of the year, but without doubt online training is here to stay and we plan to offer a mix going forward. Read more for a summary of our 2021 training event details and schedule for the first half of the year.

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