The flood frequency analysis toolkit recommended by the Institute of Engineers Australia in Australian Rainfall and Runoff (2019)

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Developed by Professor George Kuczera from the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Newcastle Australia, FLIKE is an extreme value analysis package that calculates the probability of flood events based on historical records.

FLIKE is fully compliant with Book 3 of Australian Rainfall and Runoff (2019), and has been specifically designed to incorporate Australian Rainfall and Runoff regional information as prior knowledge inputs to improve peak estimation confidence quantiles.

Although developed for flood applications, FLIKE can be applied to any extreme value analysis. Visit Downloads for purchase instructions and to download the latest executable.


Probability Mode Flexibly

A range of probability models are supported, including Log Normal, LPIII, Gumbel, GEV and Generalised Pareto distributions

Higher Order L-moments Parameter Estimation

L-moments overcome the bias and sensitivity of the method of product-moments approach to fitting distributions. L-moment estimators are unbiased and are less sensitive to outliers than product-moment estimators

Bayesian Inference

FLIKE includes an advanced baysian methodology for estimation of distribution parameters. Use historic data outside of the gauged record. Censor data. Incorporate multiple Grubbs-Beck tests for low outliers.

Australian Rainfall and Runoff Compatiblity

Fully compatible with Book 3 of Australian Rainfall and Runoff (2019), "A Guide to Flood Estimation, Peak Flow Estimation".

Improved Estimations using Prior Knowledge Information

Incorporate Australian Rainfall and Runoff guideline Regional Flood Frequency Estimation (RFFE) model regional information into your assessment as prior knowledge inputs to tighten estimation confidence quantiles.

Online Flike Training

This Flike course, run by the Australian Water School, is designed to provide a general introduction to peak flow estimation based on flood frequency analysis (FFA), as well as cover specific technical aspects of this topic area. This course will help you discover a how-to guide on flood frequency analysis. Learn more about the inclusion of historic events and the addition of prior information from the Regional Flood Frequency Estimation (RFFE).

Take sessions at any time, at your own pace with unlimited course access for 30 days.

Click here to register

Compatible with Australian Rainfall and Runoff RFFE

Use Australian Rainfall and Runoff Regional Flood Frequency Estimation model results as a source of regional information input to FLIKE LP3 site flood frequency estimations. 

Refer to Example 5 in the ARR self-teach tutorials  for further information


Free Self Teach Tutorials

FLIKE is the at-site flood frequency analysis toolkit recommended by the Institute of Engineers Australia in Australian Rainfall and Runoff (2019). Self-teach tutorial datasets are included within the software download. Documentation for the tutorials are available within Book 3 of the ARR guideline document (link below):

  • Section 2.8.3: Fitting a probability model to gauged data
  • Section 2.8.4: Use of binomial censored historical data
  • Section 2.8.6: Censoring PILFs using multiple Grubbs-Beck test
  • Section 2.8.7: Improving poor fits using censoring of low flow data
  • Section 2.8.8: A Non-Homogeneous Flood Probability Model
  • Section 2.8.9: L-moments fit to gauged data
  • Section 2.8.10: Improving poor fits using LH-moments


Australian Rainfall and Runoff Guideline - Book 3