TT162: EPA SWMM Linking to TUFLOW

This course covers the basics of TUFLOW 2D modeling, SWMM model setup, linking of 1D/2D domains, and result visualizations using a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on exercises


This course covers the basics of TUFLOW 2D modeling, SWMM model setup, linking of 1D/2D domains, and result visualizations using a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on exercises.



TUFLOW Introduction
Technical overview of TUFLOW
TUFLOW, GIS, 3rd Party providers and text control files

2D Model Theory
Template files
Model geometry
Running TUFLOW simulations

2D Model Development
Using GIS with TUFLOW for efficient workflows
Hands on model development
Model troubleshooting
Running a TUFLOW model 
Viewing results
Model health / performance

Topography Modification
How to use break lines
How to modify topography using cut/fill regions
Using model check files


Impact Assessment Case Study
Tools for flood impact assessment
Assessing flood afflux and changes in flow behaviour
Developing flood impact mapping

Data Requirements, Checking and Reviewing Models
When are 1D, 2D and 1D/2D models appropriate?
How to build and check if a model is healthy?
What data do I need for my modelling project?

Hydraulic structures with SWMM
SWMM Background and Theory
1D/2D linking mechanisms
How to embed 1D structures in a 2D model
How to review structure performance and stability

Urban drainage modeling
Stormdrain inlet background (HEC-20) and validation
Rain on grid vs subcatchments
1D integrity tools
Visualizing 1D results in GIS
Converting XPSWMM models for use with TUFLOW and SWMM