With less than 2 weeks to go to the TUFLOW 2021 UK/Europe User Conference, tickets are selling fast. Run in conjunction with our long term partners, Edenvale Young, the conference seeks to provide the latest and greatest in terms of innovative modelling for flood risk management. The programme for the conference is now available here.
Given the anxiety that many people still have regarding indoor gatherings, we are planning to live stream the Plenary and Stream 1 presentations and workshops from the Lecture Theatre for those who don't feel confident enough about being there in person. For the first time we are opening the conference to a wider audience, and it will be possible for a reduced fee to visit the conference online and view the presentations over the two days of the conference. Unfortunately, we are unable to broadcast all the workshop sessions.
Tickets for both in person and the online stream are available from the user conference eventbrite page.
The theme for the conference is 'Change in a Changing World'.
Duncan Faulkner, Head of Hydrology at JBA consulting, and Will McBain, Associate Director at Arup, will open the conference on the morning of the 21st September with their views on climate change in our conference keynotes. This will be followed by TUFLOW author and business unit lead, Bill Syme, who will be joining us from Brisbane, giving us his thoughts on the changing nature of hydraulic modelling and how this will influence the way we work in the coming years.
Over the course of the 2 days we will see presentations on novel and innovative uses of TUFLOW, including the benefits of new functionality released in the TUFLOW 2020 build as well as a nod to what is coming up in the future of TUFLOW in 2021 and beyond.
Presentations include:
In addition, Antoine Lebrun of the Environment Agency, in conjunction with Kevin Haseldine of JBA, will be providing a look at the Environment Agency’s updated flood modelling standards which were released last month. Adam Parkes of Jacobs will also be reviewing the new UK guidance on quantifying residual uncertainty in modelling with respect to the design of resilient flood defences.
For those able to join in-person, there will be a number of workshop sessions hosted by the TUFLOW team including:-
We look forward to welcoming both old and new acquaintances at the conference.